Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Update on Nail Polish

I painted my nails with Essie's Turquoise and Caicos on July 29th and it is now August 9th so this is 11 days later (I painted them at night). The nail polish has held up well and I've got some pictures for you. Mostly, I just wanted to show pictures of my aggravating nails which in 11 days have grown so quickly that I need to repaint my nails...which is why I went a year without painting my nails. Far too time consuming to do every week.

Everyone seems to marvel at how long my nail polish lasts. If you want, I will write a post on how I paint my nails and hopefully it'll help you get your nail polish to last longer. I've always been able to go a few weeks to more than a month without my nail polish chipping or otherwise getting ruined but my nails have always grown very quickly.

You might have to click on the pictures to see a larger photo to actually see how my nails look.

I also thought I'd throw in a picture of one of my favorite snacks just for the heck of it.

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